We are blessed with two daughters married to great guys living within 15 minutes of us. We have a beautiful, brilliant granddaughter who is the light of our life. Three more babies are coming this summer and we are just thrilled!!!

Life just doesn't get any better than this!!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

anniversary, birthdays, and labor day...oh my!

We are full into the middle of our "birthday season". Leah starts us off on August 20th. This year we celebrated her birthday with dinner at the country club and she requested a hummingbird cake.

Then Eddie and I have our anniversary on August 31st. We are usually pretty low-key about this but this year Eddie & I went to Tunica kinda spur-of-the-moment at 7:30 Saturday night. We went to all the casinos except Bally's and didn't get home till 5:30 Sunday morning. Too old for that stuff!

Kelsey's birthday was on Labor Day this year, so she requested a chicken rotel dinner at our house with chocolate chip pound cake. I spent the morning cooking and watching Hurricane Gustav hitting New Orleans.

Both girls wanted cell phones for their birthday.....wonder what they will want next year????