We are blessed with two daughters married to great guys living within 15 minutes of us. We have a beautiful, brilliant granddaughter who is the light of our life. Three more babies are coming this summer and we are just thrilled!!!

Life just doesn't get any better than this!!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Scardy Cat

This week has been uneventful for the most part.....except for finding out about Leah & Hunter's baby boy! Eddie has been at duck camp with Gerry, Tuck, and one of their friends most of the week and I have pretty much been on my own at night. It was the perfect time for everything to go haywire.

The security system hasn't been working for a while and I couldn't arm it at night. (I found out later that I could have bypassed it and made it work, but I didn't know that then.) That had not bothered me too much until Tuesday night when I couldn't get the garage door to close. It was a little spooky having the garage door open all night, the security system not working and being home alone.

Now normally I am not a scardy cat, but a few weeks ago Eddie was out late playing cards and I had gone to bed to watch TV. Like I said before, the security system has been all screwy and the ready light has been blinking green, then red for no apparent reason a lot lately. A master panel is in my bedroom on the wall beside my TV and I could see it blinking, but didn't pay much attention to it.

My mobile phone rang and when I picked it up to answer the caller ID said.....HOME! Now tell me, how many scary movies have you watched where that exact thing happened and the killer was inside the house?! I couldn't decide whether to answer it or not, but finally timidly said "helloooooo?" Eddie said "Whatcha doing?" Still a little skeptical, I said "Nothing. Where are you?" "In my bedroom", he said.

Turns out he had forgotten his mobile phone in the truck downstairs and when he tried my door and it was locked as I do anytime he is gone, he picked up the house phone to get me to let him in. Can I say.....scared the **** out of me!

All this to say, this week I called the security people, the garage door people, and the trash compacter people while Eddie was gone. Two out of the three are now fixed and I don't think the trash compacter being broken will scare me! And...my bodyguard is now home from the duck woods to guard me at night. All is well!

1 comment:

J said...

I still think you did better with the whole thing with Eddie than me. I probably would have tried to jump from your balcony to escape the "killer"! Love your new blog layout!!