We are blessed with two daughters married to great guys living within 15 minutes of us. We have a beautiful, brilliant granddaughter who is the light of our life. Three more babies are coming this summer and we are just thrilled!!!

Life just doesn't get any better than this!!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Friday, January 23, 2009

Small windows of time....

I have chosen to look at the next few months in small windows of time. I can handle things better if I don't look too far down the road. When the girls both got engaged and married in the same year, that was the way I survived without losing my mind.

First up is getting my house ready for all the babies. I'm not doing a lot, but I do want to get things ready so everyone will have a place when they come to YaYa & Poppy's house that looks nice and keeps us from having to run up and down the stairs so much. I have ordered some things and they are starting to come in. Today I picked up the mini crib that I am going to use downstairs. Putting it together will be Poppy's job (we all remember how much fun he had putting Maddox's kitchen together at Christmas) and, I will be sewing the next few weeks trying to get some projects done before I move on to the next small window of time.

Garth and Kelsey had an appointment with the doctor yesterday. This was their first visit with Dr. Weidower and I think Kelsey liked her as much as Leah does. She said the twins would probably be delivered by C-Section at 37 weeks. Kelsey is not opposed to that since Maddox was born so fast and a scheduled birth is what she wanted anyway. That moves her estimated delivery date to July 8th ... 5 weeks after Leah's due date!

But, that's not in this weeks window.......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fun, fun!! Sounds like you guys are getting it all together - how exciting! I know both girls will love having you so close when all these babies arrive. Tell Leah we are so excited that baby Carter is a boy - they sure love their Mommas!!!