We are blessed with two daughters married to great guys living within 15 minutes of us. We have a beautiful, brilliant granddaughter who is the light of our life. Three more babies are coming this summer and we are just thrilled!!!

Life just doesn't get any better than this!!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sewing, sweet boys, and Paula Deen!!!

I have been really busy the past few weeks sewing for the babies. I made bumper pads for the cribs and am waiting for the curtains and chair to arrive. I also made bumper pads for the mini crib that I will be using downstairs. I have a little more work to do on it, but I think it will be sweet for my little ones. The brown crib quilt is finished and the green one will be finished in the next week or so. I am just waiting for the twins to be named so I can finish them. As soon as I get everything finished, I'll post pictures.

I went with Kelsey to her doctor appointment last week and got to hear the heartbeats. Maddox went with us and cried when Dr. Weidower listened to the heartbeats with the "microphone". She was just worried about her mommy, I think. The ultrasound was much better and she loved seeing her "baby brother and baby sister". We will find out soon what the babies are going to be and we may have to do a little fast talking to get her mind changed about the whole brother and sister thing! Keep your fingers crossed that we get at least one little girl. I'm not sure if I can handle three little boys!

Speaking of little boys....I got to meet the sweetest little one on Saturday. Elizabeth, Rhonda, and Dave stopped by for a visit and to introduce us to Lee! As you can see from the picture, he has the sweetest little smile and is so laid back and mellow. Boys are just so much bigger than girls and I have a lot to learn about them. But, if this sweetheart is typical of all baby boys, I'm gonna love 'em!!!! Elizabeth, thanks for bringing him by for us to see!
Sunday, my sweet guy and I have dinner at Paula Deen's new restaurant in the Tunica Harrah's Casino. Last spring, Phyllis, Ann, Margie, and I went to Savannah and ate at her restaurant and I wanted to see if the food in the Tunica restaurant was as good as it had been there. Yes, it is!!! I ate hoecakes and fried green tomatoes.....Yummy! Eddie loved it too and is now a fan of Paula Deen (and Uncle Bubba, too).

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